Weeks 11–13

Welcome back to a new year with AASC!

We’ve had three great weeks of swimming to welcome in the new year.

SoTW in Week 11 went to Dylan Bennett, who posted quite a few qualifications early in the season and is close to qualifying on a couple of strokes at the moment.  Congratulations Dylan!

Then Jeremy Glasscock got  SoTW for great participation and regularly posting lots of swims. Well done Jeremy!

Sad to report that our Vice President, Aaron Langman, and his kids Leo and Eli, won’t be returning regularly this year due to other sport commitments on Saturday morning. We’ll certainly miss the sheer speed and swimming talent of all three Langmans.

Next week is the last week to qualify for races in the Club Championship, and that and Swim and Survive start on Feb 15th. See you next week!